
All the resources you need to learn how to smoothly opperate your camera

Product Resources

User's Manual

Directions on how to safely operate and make the best use of your Rexing Dash Cam

Apps & Software

Download our mobile app "Rexing Connect" and our "Rexing GPS Player"

Activate Your Warranty

Activate your 18-month warranty or purchase up to three years extended warranty

Update Your Firmware

Verify year, make, and model with your serial number to update your firmware.

Help Guides

Profit Pages makes it easy to build beautiful, customer friendly websites. We provide you with amazing widgets that you can mix and max to build thousands of combinations of pages. Each widget is configurable. You can adjust the text, change images, and colors to make it your own. Sites built with Profit Pages are more user friendly, bring in more sales, and bring back more repeat customers. So, if you are looking to create an amazing landing page or augment an existing product page, we have you covered! Just go to apps and select Profit Pages and we will help you create an amazing page that runs fast and delights your customers.

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